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  1. April.

    What a month this year / willow has been its best in years with many still giveing pollen. colony development is a bit slower as you would expect but some colonies are building strong with fresh nectar drying,good to see white wax.

    Someone asked the question how do you know when there bringing in nectar? good question... for me seeing bumbles trying to gain entry along with the steady hum from within,on quiet evenings you can smell the hives too, all by watching and listening, When ...
  2. Beginings

    Hello fellow Beekeeper

    The time has long passed since first begining with Bees and the Joy and excitment was a truely wonderous thing to first behold my own bees,many older Beek's seem to forget they too once felt such joy and have become blinkered in there pursuit of doing whats right by the bees and the newcomers.
    Many being judgemental for whatever reason is no excuse for throwing coldwater onto some newbees and there enthusiasims but alas the newbee's are the future ...