
Entries with no category

  1. Looking good - I think?

    Although weather was not great yesterday, I got the chance to go through my hive. This with much trepidation as there seemed to be less activity with the ladies over the last two weeks and some odd drunken like ladies on their landing strip and some seemingly doing kamikazi like dives into the ground where they just crawled around aimlessly - thoughts of something very wrong inside??

    The super still had plenty of stores in it and fresh pollen. But this super is full of spring syrup ...
  2. My very own bl og?

    Sitting here in Glasgow waiting for a plane to take me to Reykjavik. Should have flown off midday but due to a mechanics strike, I am still sitting here at 18.00 and just been told a plane is dropping in here at 21.00 to pick me up - jolly kind of them as this great big terminal is virtually empty and I have nothing better to do than try out a BLOG??

    Yes, off to the land of fire, ice, volcanoes (or is it volcanos?) strikes, and whalehunters. The whale bit is why I am going. Young ...