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View Full Version : Amitraz/Apivar

21-06-2012, 12:05 AM
Aside from laughing at the non treatment crew who now can't go to Boots I've seen a lot of recommendations to seek this out as a varroa treatment.

Various people talk about "silver bullet" treatments for varroa, is this the latests?

What're the chances of resistance?

From what I read the residual effects in wax and honey are negligible which means there's an incentive for beekeepers to use it prophylactively perhaps and/or not apply it correctly.

[edit] Snip that bit out as it was silly and no-ones replied to that particular bit.

21-06-2012, 07:17 PM
I don't know if you've read this but seeing its date, it would suggest that resistance would take a long time coming

I seem to remember that it is best applied before September. Trials showed colony mortality rate in this case as 6%, compared to 15% when treated later.

21-06-2012, 08:16 PM
Thanks Chris, I'll have a read.