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View Full Version : Happykeeper floors

25-12-2010, 01:29 AM
Hi all, and a Merry Christmas!!

Has anybody here used the "Happykeeper" floors? These are the ones with the large diameter plastic tubes.

A Google search comes up with unsubstantiated claims that using these floors, you don't need any varroa treatment for years on end. I wish!!!

Seriously, has anyone had any real-life experience with them? For instance how on earth do you keep them clean? Boiling water, or do they melt?

27-12-2010, 04:10 PM
Hi Yes I've used them now for a good few years and wouldn't spend my money on them / cleaning? yes I know what you mean / soak them in a basin of soapy water then rinse with dish cleaning brush and cold water. L.