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View Full Version : Can I join the SBA?

26-10-2010, 01:02 PM
Seeing as I probably account for 90% of your bandwidth costs and I've had as much help from SBA members as I have from BBKA ones over the past few years.

26-10-2010, 01:41 PM
I would have thought that you can join the SBA just as easily as I can join the BBKA.Get on to the website and have words with Phil McAnespie who is a very nice and helpful guy .

26-10-2010, 06:46 PM
Hi Nellie

I'm pretty sure that I don't need to say this, but just in case .... you are most welcome here without any need to join the SBA. But if you'd like to, do go ahead and speak to Phil McA as John suggests. A simple PM to him here will be copied to his inbox.

Our automatic compensation and insurance scheme will not apply in Bristol, but you'd get the complimentary magazine.

See-You-Jimmy hats are extra.


26-10-2010, 09:54 PM
You're right you didn't need to say it. I'm not worried about the compensation or Insurance, the BBKA membership covers me round this neck of the woods, just a thought I had that it might be nice to put something back into an organisation that I'm more than getting my money's worth from. I'll drop Phil a line.

17-02-2011, 02:20 AM
the paperwork is in! I feel I'm letting the side down by enjoying a nice glass of bourbon though.

17-02-2011, 02:28 AM
I always thought they would drink anything in Scotland!

17-02-2011, 02:52 AM
You need something to take the taste of irn-bru away :D

19-02-2011, 09:08 PM
re the insurance & compensation scheme...... I presume that is because you are only inspecting north of the border????
so if you have bees in both countries you need to belong to both associations?

19-02-2011, 10:54 PM
BBKA membership - which you may have through your local association in England or as an individual anywhere if you pay the full membership fee - covers you for liability insurance anywhere in the UK. However the Bee Diseases Insurance with BBKA membership covers 1-3 colonies in England only. The compensation payment per colony is arranged differently from the SBA scheme but in effect is a similar amount.


The SBA compensation and insurance schemes are for bees in Scotland and give you compensation coverage for up to 10 colonies. SBA membership is, of course, only through individual subscription and not via a local association.

Both schemes can give you protection for additional colonies for extra payment.

So if it is the compensation cover you desire in the two countries you need both schemes. The cover is like that simply because the two associations cover different geographical areas.

hope that helps


20-02-2011, 11:04 AM
thanks yes......not got bees in both countries, but wondered how it worked!

15-03-2011, 02:09 AM
Bristol is now officially just south of Aberdeen :) I might just about be covering my bandwidth costs here now and get the Scottish Beekeepers magazine into the bargain :)

15-03-2011, 02:16 AM
As one out of 240 members of the site (and many more don't register) your bandwidth costs must be around 27p so you have over-paid by about two orders of magnitude!

15-03-2011, 02:50 AM
It's worth the subscription for the newsletter to be perfectly honest.

I feel a little guilty for not having joined IBRA as well but I might do it yet on the basis that I thought the conference was well worth attending, I just don't know I have the time to catch up on all the reading material I have right now.