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View Full Version : Instrumental Insemination sting hooks and queen holding apparatus ?

10-02-2017, 12:11 PM
Hi all - I've access to very good stereo-microscopes, manipulators and injectors as well as CO2 streams but one thing I don't have is the hooks for manipulating the queen or the wee holders for her. Abelo used to sell these bits of kit separately but I cant find them any more.

Anyone know where I can get these individually without buying a whole II kit ? Can you make hooks / sting hooks by manipulating syringe needles ?

Should be an interesting summer !

Pete L
10-02-2017, 12:53 PM
Anyone know where I can get these individually without buying a whole II kit ? Can you make hooks / sting hooks by manipulating syringe needles ?

You can buy dorsal hooks and perforated sting hooks from Swienty or Schley, Sue Cobey also sells them and possibly Michael Collier at Cornbrook be farm in Shropshire...or you could make your own, I get my ruby sting hooks made for me by a friend in Ireland.

Interesting but very long thread currently on beesource about making all the II equipment.

link here...lots of photographs and links to buy what is needed, most of it in the UK. http://www.beesource.com/forums/showthread.php?263523-Instrumental-Insemination-Equipment