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View Full Version : British exit from Europe.

13-10-2016, 07:57 AM
How do you think the British exit from Europe will effect beekeeping in Britian, Will it effect the importation of Honey bee queens from the rest of europe, sale of honey out of the country. use of chemicals etc.. Just curious if it will have any effect or none.

The Drone Ranger
13-10-2016, 09:21 AM
Might affect the cost of apisuc and apifonda
Could use this instead
Bear in mind that it's the delivered price and discounts are available
There might be cheaper though

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13-10-2016, 11:21 AM
How do you think the British exit from Europe will effect beekeeping in Britian, Will it effect the importation of Honey bee queens from the rest of europe, sale of honey out of the country. use of chemicals etc.. Just curious if it will have any effect or none.

Its not likely to tighten it, maybe liberalise it. The likelihood of withdrawing from the Balaii agreement, which results in access to European markets for UK products including meat, is slim. Staying in that agreement is crucial to UK agriculture, and bees are a (tiny) part of that, but you know some of the EU members will take offence and if we ban their bees they ban something of ours, ie lamb,..........a FAR bigger deal that harms the UK more than them. Bees from Ukraine and Turkey are cheap and abundant and could find their way here in future, which EU rules prevented. (Though Ukraine packages found their way into Poland and then onwards, rebadged, to other EU destinations. According to my Polish sources.)

Sales of honey out of the UK are very small really, we are a heavy net importer. What we do sell is niche market, and to some extent these are immune to price sensitivity. The MIGHT impose duty on UK honey going to Europe but no real reason why they should, as there are already bilateral agreements in place with some non EU states that get round this.

Not having to follow EU agreed rules on chemicals is most likely to result in a UK liberalisation taking place. So more chemicals likely to be available, including some that have EU suspensions on them that were not supported by the UK.

13-10-2016, 12:03 PM
Men in brown shirts will gather up all beekeepers and other radicals and put us in internment camps as the fascists tighten their grip.

13-10-2016, 12:10 PM
Not having to follow EU agreed rules on chemicals is most likely to result in a UK liberalisation taking place. So more chemicals likely to be available, including some that have EU suspensions on them that were not supported by the UK.

Do you really think the vmd cascade nonsense and hunting down of generic substance users is an eu issue?
Smacks more of us following the American corporate model to me.

13-10-2016, 01:34 PM
Do you really think the vmd cascade nonsense and hunting down of generic substance users is an eu issue?
Smacks more of us following the American corporate model to me.

Was thinking more of neonics......

13-10-2016, 02:34 PM
Do you really think the vmd cascade nonsense and hunting down of generic substance users is an eu issue?
Smacks more of us following the American corporate model to me.

The VMD will be eviscerated in the cuts following Brexit and will be forced to concentrate on things that really matter.

They appear overstaffed to be worrying about non commercial beekeepers..

In my opinion of course..

13-10-2016, 04:10 PM
Any suggestions that access to this forum will be restricted to IP addresses based in Scotland are entirely unfounded.
However, there's always the possibility that Theresa May and Co. will forcibly export EU immigrants ... such as Asian Hornet workers who are coming over here, stealing stuff ...

Seriously? Little impact unless accidentally caught in the crossfire, though I agree with C4U that the neonic position may change considering how the government previously voted on the issue.

13-10-2016, 04:15 PM
Which Law do you object to? http://www.lbc.co.uk/radio/presenters/james-obrien/which-eu-law-are-you-looking-forward-to-losing/

13-10-2016, 04:29 PM
Seriously? Little impact unless accidentally caught in the crossfire, though I agree with C4U that the neonic position may change considering how the government previously voted on the issue.

Also had it on good authority, albeit a while back, that another beneficiary will be GM crops. The UK position was not to suspend neonics, and they also were in favour of GM. Now they don't even have the coalition to reign them back a bit. This could get very messy.

The Drone Ranger
13-10-2016, 05:01 PM
Genetically modified queen bees ?
A bit of that jellyfish DNA they were adding to get plants and animals to glow in the dark :)
I'm hiding from a genetically modified cabbage that's breaking down my front door
If God wanted those things to have legs he would have given them some (and made them taste better)
Could we develop a bacon flavoured cabbage ? I wonder....

What about all those heritage varieties of seed we can we grow tasty carrots and veg again without Brussels sprouting off

13-10-2016, 08:57 PM
If you buy stuff from Europe it will get a lot more expensive due to the Exchange rate.
I have bought a lot of stuff direct from Swienty but that is already 15% more expensive since Brexit.
I agree with Calluna, we will likely see much more deregulation re GM crops, Neonics, queen imports and more.

13-10-2016, 09:39 PM
Bacon flavoured cabbage ... ? How passé (https://www.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/248815).

The Drone Ranger
14-10-2016, 04:04 PM
Bacon flavoured cabbage ... ? How passé (https://www.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/248815).

wonder where the seaweed comes from
I would give it a try

Turned out the cabbage was only a dream phew!!

I wouldn't worry about queen imports Jon their price goes up as well

17-10-2016, 07:55 AM
I see dave Goulson has been commenting if the UK will retain the moratiorum on Neonicotinoids post british exit from Europe. He could not attend the recent meeting of the Chemical industry but he posted this on it.

"A couple of weeks ago the Society of Chemical Industry held a meeting in London to discuss “Are neonicotinoids killing bees?” As you might guess from the name of the people organising it, this seems to have been a rather one-sided affair; a bunch of lobbyists from the agrochemical industry, and a hand-picked selection of scientists all but one of whom are known to have pro-pesticide leanings and/or receive funding from the agrochemical industry"

20-10-2016, 04:00 PM
wonder where the seaweed comes from
I would give it a try

Pepper Dulse is the seaweed you're after. Can find it on rocky shore at very low tides. Its fantastic deep fried.....something that will no doubt be banned as dangerously the "wrong sort of nationalist" enterprise in post-Brexit UK ;)


21-10-2016, 11:15 AM
Post Brexit - might Apivar NOT be allowed to be obtained from a vet through the cascade principle as we won't be able to cascade any more? After all we can't cascade Oxalic Acid even though it's used in other EU countries, I believe.

We COULD ban bee imports or licence their imports in a different way if we chose.

And we could ban bacon flavoured cabbages from the EU. Or we would at least have the right to ban bacon flavoured cabbages. Obviously we would need to set up a facebook page and also do some crowdfunding to have the funds for a media campaign as that's what you have to do nowadays.

(Cue The Life of Brian). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUBAx8jbYNs

21-10-2016, 12:26 PM
NO More Brussel sprouts, Djion Mustard, No Frankfurter, Bolognese sauce, Dublin bay prawns, Maderia cake, Swiss rolls, but yea will still be ok for Chicken Kiev and curry sauce. I think ill move to England to get away from all this Brexit talk,
Just swallow your pride yea had a go at the government like us over here vote again and keep voting until yea get it right, was not there some famous football manager who said ”We talk about it for twenty minutes and then we decide I was right.”
AH yes clough he also said "Rome wasn't built in a day. But I wasn't on that particular job." and another problem he had with European language specially Italian, "I can't even spell spaghetti never mind talk Italian. How could I tell an Italian to get the ball he might grab mine." sorry dont know what this has to do with bees............