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View Full Version : Nosema?

20-05-2016, 06:05 PM
I have 3 hives a few feet from each other, a week ago they all had the odd spot of faeces on the hives. I had a look at them today in the passing and the front of the strongest hive was heavily splattered above the entrance. the hive is on double brood and I added a super about 5 days ago. I intend to look in tomorrow to see if there is any faeces on the frames.
If I spray them with a thymol syrup mix do I just use enough to give all the bees a drench?
I have enough boxes and fames to do a shook swarm but don't want to take drastic measured just yet.
they are facing a field of rape but not taking much of it yet.

21-05-2016, 09:32 AM
Randy Oliver trialled several treatments for Nosema ceranae, which your bees are not suffering from but the diseases are similar organisms. Four weekly treatments were given and the colonies assessed two weeks later. Any improvement with thymol wasn't obvious whereas Nosevit seemed to have a better effect.


Bad luck though, I've had colonies with dysentery when I've done something wrong (left them queenless, let a mouse in, fed them syrup that fermented) but never had a colony like the one you describe.

21-05-2016, 09:55 AM
Thank you for the reply
There had been a mouse in that hive for a very short time, I took out the one frame that had a hole in it and the one next to it, It may have a bearing on it.
I will give them a drench anyway and see if it helps.

21-05-2016, 09:56 AM
with nosevit . sorry