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View Full Version : Varroa project estimations??

09-11-2015, 03:02 PM
Iam planing on submitting records to the varroa inspection project, and while I know (Understand) how to calculate the number of mites /300 bees, how do I calculate the amount of brood both sealed and open on a frame.
If the frame is a national say 355x216 mm = 76680mm sq on both sides,
So how many bees would be on a frame ? how much sealed and unsealed brood, Would I need to make a referance template from an empty frame and graph paper to estimate the brood or is there a simpler way of doing this, guess estimating it would be inaccurate.
Thanks in advance, maybe iam out of my depth but no harm in asking. I have a template supplied by the project team and can enter a calcultion formula for the mites it would be handy to have one for both sealed and unsealed brood.

Pete L
09-11-2015, 04:35 PM
Here is one to estimate the number of bees, and the amount of sealed brood on another page in the top left hand link, but not eggs or open brood.


Here is another for estimating colony size/numbers.


09-11-2015, 09:32 PM
Cheers tks for that ill have a look.