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View Full Version : Apishield hornet trap

02-09-2015, 09:20 AM
Just wondering has anyone used this, the Apishield Hornet trap for catching wasps and is it successful.

02-09-2015, 11:51 AM
Just wondering has anyone used this, the Apishield Hornet trap for catching wasps and is it successful.

I bought a bag thing that you fill with water upto the line - contains some sort of lure, it was about £6 so expensive and I thought it would work really good. Well its a heap of shit, only 3 wasps after a week were as my home made traps are full after a week and need emptying. I use mead, cider and a dash of vinegar. Wasps are not so bad now.

My meat / poison trap was initally visited by some wasps but the activity around it has decreased big time, it could be that someone has destroyed nests in gardens over the spell of good weather.

02-09-2015, 12:26 PM
I'd have thought that the constant pressure of hornets/wasps just the other side of the grill would have caused the bees a lot of stress?

02-09-2015, 01:09 PM
Im sure the bees are under stress being in a box (Hive), forageing, lack of pollen or nectar, weather can stress them rain/Thunder/freezing temps. Me opening the hive can cause stress and sure wasps would be flying around anyway near the hive, i wonder a bit like my chickens they were constantly stressed by the dog but now they know he cannot access them inside the fence so they dont bother with her. therfore i assume a few wasps confined will not bother the bees surly they will die of dehydration fairlly quickly. maybe the old jam jar is still best.

02-09-2015, 02:59 PM
Yes, of course, just being alive has a dose of stress. Actually I was thinking more of the asian hornet , for which the following has been asserted after long observation.

The constant presence of 2 hornets near a hive bothers the colony but it continues to function;3 to 5 the disturbance is very strong; more than 5 the colony is condemned.

02-09-2015, 07:42 PM
OK I did not know that, Fortunately we do not have them in Ireland. Yet..Tks for the info