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View Full Version : Supersedure after transfer from Apideas

Black Comb
02-07-2014, 09:05 PM
I have 2 well stocked nucs that have each thrown up a supersedure cell.
The queens laid in Apideas for about 2 weeks and then have laid for approx 2 weeks in the nucs, so sealed worker brood. They seem to me to be laying ok.
I have spare laying queens in Apideas. What is best, let them supersede or re queen out of apidea?

02-07-2014, 10:32 PM
I would remove the supersedure cells and check what happens over the next few weeks.
I have had this happen and the queen has gone one to lay well for the next two years.
Those supersedure cells usually produce very good queens as they get well fed so you could remove the frame with the cell to make up a nuc. Insurance if nothing else.
If they keep trying to supersede the queen there may well be something wrong with her.

Black Comb
02-07-2014, 10:57 PM
Thanks Jon.