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View Full Version : cutting lugs or alternatives

07-06-2013, 03:02 AM
Hi all,

am getting my first NUC on saturday, having to travel 3 hours to get them.

I am going to be using smith hives but the nuc has national frames so im looking for alternative wasy to move the queen and bees into my smith hive (i dont fancy cutting lugs off with the bees on).

Any suggestions?


The Drone Ranger
07-06-2013, 06:26 AM
Hi Dave

A sharp pair of bypass secateurs will snip through the lugs quite easily

Dark Bee
07-06-2013, 01:36 PM
As Dr has suggested, a sharp pair of secateurs will do the trick. Obviously you would not borrow a pair from him, they will inevitably be as blunt as he himself often is. It is best to bypass them.
The lugs on Smiths are 3/4" long, make sure you cut to this or a little less. Bring the nuc box and hive side by side and touching/ keep the frames in original order/ keep cutting blade to outside (facing end of lug)/ wipe blade with oil and cut once/ ALWAYS move frames slowly and gently to avoid killing her majesty and make all your movements unhurried.
Good Luck and do say how you get on.

The Drone Ranger
07-06-2013, 08:04 PM
That's what I said :)


07-06-2013, 08:12 PM
The equipment to avoid is the humour bypass secateurs.
Lack of cutting edge.

Have you seen that top bar beekeeper technique which they call 'chop and crop'?

Where are the animal rights people?


The Drone Ranger
07-06-2013, 08:23 PM
The equipment to avoid is the humour bypass secateurs.
Lack of cutting edge.

Have you seen that top bar beekeeper technique which they call 'chop and crop'?

Where are the animal rights people?

It's a whole new world of hideous butchery
Wonder if I could have the empty nuc hive now the bees are in the crate ?

09-06-2013, 08:59 AM
we got it done no problem thanks all

moved the frames one at a time, got a saw and cut them in seconds, no worries hehe
many thanks again

The Drone Ranger
09-06-2013, 06:34 PM
we got it done no problem thanks all

moved the frames one at a time, got a saw and cut them in seconds, no worries hehe
many thanks again

Nobody said insanity and beekeeping were mutually exclusive :)