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View Full Version : Beekeeping and the environment

  1. Urban Bees Research - can you help? (10 replies)
  2. What were they thinking. (7 replies)
  3. Chlorpyrifos (0 replies)
  4. neonicotinoids update (28 replies)
  5. Honey in the jar True or false. (16 replies)
  6. This looks pretty damning .... (4 replies)
  7. Matt Ridley (The Rational Optimist) on the neonic moratorium (11 replies)
  8. U S honey bee and pollinator decline (0 replies)
  9. "removal" of bumblebee nests (4 replies)
  10. safe plants (2 replies)
  11. Brood Comb Disposal (4 replies)
  12. Is this the worst science yet on neonics? (31 replies)
  13. Paul Driessen (1 replies)
  14. Prof Robert Paxton: Pesticides & Bees a Dangerous Mix (3 replies)
  15. new site (1 replies)
  16. Effects of the moratorium (0 replies)
  17. Neonicotinoids and the health of honey bees in australia (0 replies)
  18. Nosema in bumble bees (12 replies)
  19. neonics not just bad for bees? (2 replies)
  20. More systemic horror! (3 replies)
  21. Compare and Contrast (8 replies)
  22. Co2 (5 replies)
  23. Report on Monday's SANCO Appeal Committee vote (1 replies)
  24. Country File / Neonicotinoids (7 replies)
  25. Environment loss (5 replies)
  26. Ban the 'environmentalist' opposition . Live a quiet life? (29 replies)
  27. Scotsman: Stinging attack on Scotland’s beekeepers (7 replies)
  28. A battle is raging....apparently! (74 replies)
  29. Why did the SBA vote to keep Neonics? (44 replies)
  30. Syngenta and Bayer's Comprehensive Action Plan to Unlock EU Stalemate (1 replies)
  31. Defra: An assessment of key evidence about Neonicotinoids and bees (5 replies)
  32. Neonicotinoids pose 'low' risk to bees, Defra studies show (0 replies)
  33. Pesticide combination affects bees' ability to learn - comments anyone? (42 replies)
  34. SBA AGM Vote in the Herald (26 replies)
  35. Maize planter dust problem (1 replies)
  36. SBA AGM motion on a moratorium on neonicotinoids (81 replies)
  37. Forbes article. (8 replies)
  38. The Dreadful Politics of Neonics at Home and Abroad (49 replies)
  39. Scottish MEP calls for ban of neonicotinoids (148 replies)
  40. Scotsman article today on some work by Dr. Connolly. (41 replies)
  41. Bees, lies and evidence-based policy (8 replies)
  42. The Precautionary Principle (19 replies)
  43. When did maize become a significant crop for bees? (4 replies)
  44. Rosemary Mason claims leading journal 'nature' is in the pocket of Syngenta! (13 replies)
  45. We're the bad guys - again! (108 replies)
  46. Honeybees change pollination behaviour (1 replies)
  47. Bee concerns pose threat to OSR viability (5 replies)
  48. Killing the Bees -video (2 replies)
  49. Bumblebee Licensing (0 replies)
  50. Leading Environmental Activist’s Confession: I Was Completely Wrong To Oppose GMOs (11 replies)
  51. Bayer spokesman on Radio 4 Today (10 replies)
  52. Farming Today - BBC R4 - on bees, neonics and stuff. (1 replies)
  53. Does the SBA have any connection with Bayer, or any other Agrochemical firm? (14 replies)
  54. UK Parliament submissions on pesticides (58 replies)
  55. It's the GM I tells you. (8 replies)
  56. Second trial replicating CCD with neonicotinoids. (92 replies)
  57. Petition to ban neonics: Please sign & spread if you want to save our bees (38 replies)
  58. Neonicotinoids: Trying To Make Sense of the Science (15 replies)
  59. BBKA Statement onneonicotinoids (2 replies)
  60. 'Research' University of Reading (2 replies)
  61. Turtles (6 replies)
  62. Independent article (1 replies)
  63. Herald article (1 replies)
  64. Global Warming's Terrifying New Math (1 replies)
  65. Are neonicotinoid pesticides responsible for the demise of bees and other wildlife? (228 replies)
  66. TED: Bees talk (10 replies)
  67. Poisoning Workers at the Bottom of the Food Chain (0 replies)
  68. Lemon Peel - my mammy sent me this. It was in green and red text so it must be true. (11 replies)
  69. Termites/ bees (36 replies)
  70. Canadian poisonings (47 replies)
  71. Bayer: Low level neonicotinoids kill colonies by interference with grooming behaviour (29 replies)
  72. EFSA Statement (2 replies)
  73. Xerces society report on Neonicotinoids. (0 replies)
  74. More misinterpreted science - watch out for the spin-fest (20 replies)
  75. Can we talk about GM crops? (74 replies)
  76. Pesticides and honey bee toxicity – USA (5 replies)
  77. Randy Oliver's Critique of the 'Harvard Study'. (15 replies)
  78. Must-read book: 'A Spring Without Bees' (16 replies)
  79. Neonicotinoids and CCD (44 replies)
  80. Was: For readers of Beesource following Stromnessbees outburst (49 replies)
  81. Orcadian pesticide discussions (46 replies)
  82. Another plethora of neonicotinoid articles today... (54 replies)
  83. New research on colony collapse disorder (96 replies)
  84. GM crops are increasing the use of herbicides and insecticides (6 replies)
  85. Rather good, Dan! (23 replies)
  86. European Court of Justice banned Honey containing pollen from GMOs (17 replies)
  87. Bee Aids (14 replies)
  88. Colony collaspe in New Zealand ? (1 replies)
  89. Jeff Pettis comment channel 4 news (13 replies)
  90. Prof May Berenbaum on CCD (8 replies)
  91. Any study showcasing Endosulfan and its effects on honey bees? (9 replies)
  92. Scotland At the Cutting Edge of Science (17 replies)
  93. Video lecture about risk profile of neonicotinoid insecticides (84 replies)
  94. Imidacloprid and Nosema (0 replies)
  95. Here we go again! (36 replies)
  96. France 5: Who killed the bees? (8 replies)
  97. Doom and Gloom for our oceans (0 replies)
  98. GM again! GM multi definition of bad science. (11 replies)
  99. Observer article today (0 replies)
  100. Pesticides and colony troubles (0 replies)
  101. Hybrid white clover - no honey? (2 replies)